Ninja Force by BigAl0104Game DescriptionIn the deep lands of Japan, lives an evil Samurai named Shinju who has kidnapped Josh the Ninja's girlfriend, Marlene. Now it's up to Josh to traverse throughout the land to rescue her. Gameplay Video: *WARNING*: If your computer detects the game as a virus, please do the following. Firstly before you download it, make sure to exclude your browser's downloads folder from being scanned by your anti-virus software as well as the location where the game will be stored. That way so your anti-virus won't be able to scan any excluded areas where the game will be contained. Believe me, I had to do it too... Enjoy!!! Game by BigAl0104 Click here to download Ninja Force from Planet Klik!ScreenshotsThis game is proudly hosted on Planet KlikAll games uploaded to Planet Klik are done so with the permission or at the request of their original developers. We want to help showcase games from the Klik community, but will not host and offer downloads for a game that we do not have the permission to do so with. |
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